Monday, July 27, 2009


Hey, hey, hey!

I took Flicka of Spurgurl's Angels out of the private sales and put her in the auctions for 1000 eqqus so please bid! She has 4 days left as of right now! <3


Thursday, July 16, 2009

Flicka of Spurgurl's Angels


I would like to inform everyone that I put Flicka of Spurgurl's Angels up for sale in the Private Sales. She is going for $950 and 2 passes. She is an awesome horse with good bloodlines. Check her out!

Peace, Love, and Horses,

P.S. Rosalie will be giving birth to twins tomorrow!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Bella, Emmett and Rosalie

Hola People of Howrse!
Today I gave Bella the Golden Apple- my 6th-7th horse to get the Golden Apple. She got the one called Son of the Wind. It is so pretty and it matches her because she is a mustang.
ALSO, today is Emmett and Rosalie's 2 year and 6 month birthday so every howrser knows what that means- breeding! I put Emmett's covering up today and I bred Rosalie to him and I used the fertility wand! So I am expecting twins!!

Rosalie of Twilight's Grace <3

Rosalie of Twilight's Grace <3
the coat is call Taos Brujo

Emmett of Twilight's Grace <3

Emmett of Twilight's Grace <3
the coat is call avalanche

Bella of Twilight's Grace <3

Bella of Twilight's Grace <3
bella's new coat :]